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Showing posts from June 15, 2015

How to Backup Blogger Blog and Template: Step by Step Guide

Do you know every minute thousands of blogger blog get deleted - Why? Most of the time they breaks rule. And i think you are not like them. Right? Now you maybe think i am not doing anything why google delete my blog or my blog is safe. But taking backup is not cost your bread and butter. :-) .....Should I Backup my Blog ? Ans.: Yes. There are two types of backup- blog and theme. Blog backup means everything on your blog images, post, comments. Theme backup means backup blog's theme. In this post i will show you two backup process easy step by step Now. Step by Step Backup Process to Backup Blog Step 1. Goto Step 2. Head over to setting>other Step 3. Click on backup blog. Now your blog posts, images and comments are backuped. Move on the next.... Backup Blogger Theme Now you may be think why blog theme also backuped. Because... 1. You just create a free blog on blogger and may want to customize template. 2. Updating or...