Who else want to know the best blogspot widgets list that makes your blog looks awesome ? A beautiful design matters if you're just started out. Having a beautiful conversion focused blog feel awesome RIGHT ? There are some important widgets which you must include on your blog. In today's post I am going to tell you about these widgets and why you should add these widgets to your blog. What are these Widgets ? These widgets are: 1. Subscribe or Follow by Email Widget 2. Popular post Widget 3. Search Box Widget What these widgets DO ? 1. Follow by Email widget: From the name you may already know what does it do ? Collect email subscriber for your blog. There are 8 ways to add a email subscribe widget on blogger, Shivansh Verma from Blogger Guider published a guest post on MBT guide you how to add the widget. Here are the ways you can add this widget: 1. Below post title area. 2. Above Comment area. 3. Sidebar area. 4. As a Popup after the page fully loaded. 5....