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Showing posts from November 3, 2015

Blogger Vs. Wordpress: Which one is Best Platform

Are you want to start your own blog ? Yes. :)  Then this guide help you to choose which blogging platform you should use. There is many CMS platform to choose but wordpress and blogger are the most recommended platform.  Blogger is created by pyar lab and leter google buy it from them. Today you are going to learn which platform you should choose Blogger or . Please note that and are not same as you think . So lets get started..... Why Blogger is Better than WordPress ? As a blogger, I recommend Blogger for beginner. Most of you do not want to spend money in the beginning. After two or three years you can move on to the other platforms like WordPress (Paid) self hosted blog. Important:  Please note that this post is about Blogger Vs. , not 1. Blogger is Totally FREE: In this world there are no person Who don't want anything FREE!. Blogger offer Unlimited Hosting, Unlimited BandWidth and ...