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Showing posts from March 9, 2017

Add Google Analytics on Blogspot Blog and Measure Your Success

So you've started a blogger blog and write a bunch of awesome post, now want to measure your success with google analytics. Today I am going to show you how to add Google analytics on blogspot blog. What You'll learn : How to add Google analytics on blogger What to Measure on your blog Lets started.. How to Add Google Analytics Code on Blogger When adding GA (aka Google Analytics) to your blogspot blog you need two things: Google Analytics account. Access to your blogs source code area. Goto Google Analytics and create your account. [[Ga scrshot]] Fill up the form and get the tracking code. [[Ga-ss-form]] Now you've to copy the snippets found on the tracking page. Step #2: Now you have the final tracking code and to measure your blog's metrics paste the snippets on your blog footer area. Goto and choose Template from left menu. Click on Edit HTML , a new page open. Search for </head> and paste the ...