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Showing posts from March 11, 2017

Top 10: Responsive Blogger Template

Blogger is one of the rising platform after wordpress and getting popular day by day. A responsive, seo optimized template is necessary for your blog. Today I personally handpicked top blogspot templates by judging their spped, code simplicity and responsiveness. I rank these templates by their speed scores and optimization. Top 10 Responsive SEO Optimized Blogger Template 1. Elice Blogger Template Elice template is developed by Chandeep from . I know him very well and following him from my starting days. I used this template and it work very well with any niche. Features: 1. Seo responsive Template 2. Homepage Optin box 3. Custom Popular widget 4. Simple coding &robust structure Usability: This is theme is very easy to use and works very well with tech, health, make money niche. Recommendation: Yes I recommend this template. Demo | Download 2. BMag Blogger Template (Paid) This template is from themeforest. You may be thi...