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Showing posts from March 12, 2017

Is it Legal to Remove Footer Attribution on Blogger ? 

So you want to know whethere Is it legal to remove the Powered by Blogger attribution on blogger blogs shows in footer area ? The simple answer is NO. Why ? Because blogger providing free hosting for your blog, hosting images and hosting videos on Youtube. Is It Legal to Remove Powered by Blogger Credit? When you install a free theme on your blog then a credit link to theme developer is attached to the theme -It is not totaly FREE. So for safe side you should always give proper credit to the developer. What to do instead: when don't want to Give proper Credit ? Maybe you thinking hide the link with CSS rules but it against Google policies. You could get a penalty for hiding text and links from your readers. So we are going to hide the link in a image and add a nofollow tag so no precious link juice pass to First we are going to remove the attribution widget from blogger blog because it is totally uncustomizable. After that we are going to add a credit...