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Stop Your Blog from Redirecting to Country Specific Domain Names

Do you know your blogspot sub-domain redirecting your blog to country specific domain names ?

Maybe you noticed and do not want your blog to be redirected to country specific domains, you can do that by setupingcustom domain names to your blog . But if you don't have money for buying domain name or want to setup this on blogspot blog then follow this guide till end.

But wait why google redirecting your blogspot blog to country specific domains ?

Google says that if there are any content copyright issue founded in specific country then the articles, images or videos will be unavaible on specific country. Though, your blog content will be avaible for other country users and thus your readership will not harmed.

What is TLD and ccTLD ?

TLD stands for Top Level Domain. There are many TLDs but .com, .org, and .net are most frequently choosed TLDs. Always try to buy .com extension type domain names.

Note:If you are using custom domain name then there is no issues and you don't need to setup this.

In this post I'm going to use simple javascript (no loading time issue or seo problem ) and redirect your blog to extension not or .
Step by Step: Prevent Country Specific Redirection

  • Goto dashboard and signin to your account.

  • Choose your blog from that top left panel.

  • Goto template area and backup your template. From template area click on "Edit Html" and a new page will open.

  • Click on the coding area and search for </head> . Add the below code just above </head> .

<script br="" gt="" type="text/javascript">
var blog = document.location.href.toLowerCase();<br />
if (!blog.match(/\.blogspot\.com/)) {<br />
blog = blog.replace(/\.blogspot\..*?\//,<br />
"");<br />
window.location.replace(blog);<br />
}<br />

Here is a guide help you to backup blogger template

What are the Advantage and Dis-advantage Of Redirection ?

Though blogger platform developers trying to stop negetive impect of mutiple domain extension but as a blogger I always suggest you stay above the curve before any negetive impact you see.

Some of the advantages are:

  • Social sharing count increase.

  • A slight SERP changes after applying this method. Maybe because of de-indexing country specific domains.

Dis-advantages:One dis-advantage is increased home page loading from 1:09 sec to 1:15sec maybe because of redirection but overall I am happy with performance of my blog.

Let me know, how it goes after applying this tutorial, did it increase your blogs seo score or increasing your traffic, shares ?

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