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Top 10: Responsive Blogger Template

Blogger is one of the rising platform after wordpress and getting popular day by day.
A responsive, seo optimized template is necessary for your blog. Today I personally handpicked top blogspot templates by judging their spped, code simplicity and responsiveness. I rank these templates by their speed scores and optimization.

Top 10 Responsive SEO Optimized Blogger Template

1. Elice Blogger Template

Elice template is developed by Chandeep from . I know him very well and following him from my starting days. I used this template and it work very well with any niche.
1. Seo responsive Template
2. Homepage Optin box
3. Custom Popular widget
4. Simple coding &robust structure
Usability: This is theme is very easy to use and works very well with tech, health, make money niche.
Recommendation: Yes I recommend this template.

2. BMag Blogger Template (Paid)

This template is from themeforest.
You may be thinking why I choosed this paid template because this template works well with every niche tech, health, agency, you can imagine.
1. Easy to use shortcodes.
2. Robust html structure.
3. SEO optimized Template
4. Magazine Style
Usability: This theme has built in admin option. In layout area you can drag and drop anything and by clicking them you can customize it.
Recommendation: I recommend this template. If you want to buy any template then my first recommend is Bresponsive template.

3. Magnner Blogger Template

Magnner is premium looking fixed width blogger template specially for tech blogger. This theme is converted from wordpress ribon theme and I like the style.
1. Simple elegant template for writers.
2. Quickly loaded seo optimized template.
3. Fixed width (best only for desktop users)

4. Skill Blogger Theme

Skill template is simillar to elice template and seo friendly. Homepage signup box looks great and quite impressive.
1. Fixed width & elegant looking
2. This template is works well for teachers and writers.

5. Sensational Template

This template is from Chandeep and he has done great work by mading this template, originally from mythemeshops' wordpress theme.
Converted from Wordpress
Elegant looking SEO optimized Theme

6. BTNT blogger template

This template is what I am using right now on this blog and with more advance customization. I am going to launch the updated version of this template and link it very soon.
Simple blogger template
Custome Optin box, subscribe widget
Custome labels and tags.

7. Newsmag Blogger Template

This template is paid blogger theme and its worth it. If you've tech blog or news blog and you want to stand out from others you should try this template.
Magazine style, responsive template
Unlimited Color options
Unlimited short codes
Beautiful Sitemap and contact me pages with one click.

8. Minimag Blogger template

This template is pinterest type grid styled. It is beautiful and premium looking.
Grid style Template
SEO otimized template
Simple Clean coded template
Premium looking themes for writer

9. ATB blogger template

This template is maybe most seo optimized but when I looked into the xml code its full of crap even it is designed by chandeep (structure). Its not so seo optimized so i made this theme with more advance features and robust html structure.
You maybe want to download my theme but it is only avaible for my subscribers. You can get it by subscribing here.

10. Aprizet Blogger Template

This template is the one worth trying for. It is responsive, speedy and adsense friendly.
Premium shortcodes.
Drag and drop widget area
Custome navigation with search box

How to Upload this templates on blogger?

There is 3 step by step process to get done.


Login to blogger dashboard and navigate to template from left menu.


Click on "Backup or Upload".


Upload your favourite theme and customize it.
Note:- I am providing customization services. If you don't want to mess with codes thats fine, I will do it for you just for a small fee.
Do you want to make your blog seo optimized without changing template design? I also do it. Just contact me and make your wish. :-)
Let me know which template are you going to use or using right now? I love to see your blog design.

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