Who else want to know the best blogspot widgets list that makes your blog looks awesome ? A beautiful design matters if you're just started out. Having a beautiful conversion focused blog feel awesome RIGHT ? There are some important widgets which you must include on your blog. In today's post I am going to tell you about these widgets and why you should add these widgets to your blog. What are these Widgets ? These widgets are: 1. Subscribe or Follow by Email Widget 2. Popular post Widget 3. Search Box Widget What these widgets DO ? 1. Follow by Email widget: From the name you may already know what does it do ? Collect email subscriber for your blog. There are 8 ways to add a email subscribe widget on blogger, Shivansh Verma from Blogger Guider published a guest post on MBT guide you how to add the widget. Here are the ways you can add this widget: 1. Below post title area. 2. Above Comment area. 3. Sidebar area. 4. As a Popup after the page fully loaded. 5....
There are many reasons why you should add a related post section on your blog post footer area. That's why today I am going to show you how to add the beautiful related post widget on your blog. But wait why you need related post widget? Because it is dramatically reduce bounce rate on your blog , make people to discover your other posts or pages. Thus increase your pageviews. Now lets add it to your blog.... Step1: Goto blogger.com and choose your blog from the list. Headover to THEME area and click on Edit Html button. Step2: Add the below css and javascript code after //]] ></b:skin> area. Step3: Now search for post-footer area in your template. (NOTE: This post-footer area always vary theme to theme but most of themes are using this class/ID but if you don't want to mess with codes just send me your template or leave blog url within comment section I'll personally help you.) Paste the below code after the section. [[Code]] WHAT TO DO NEXT ? Did ...